Monday, September 30, 2013

Bill of Rights Notes

1st- Garuntees the right to freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and the right to petition the government.

2nd- Right to bear arms.

3rd- No quartering of soldiers in times of peace.

4th- No unreasonable searches or siezures unless under the authority of a warrant.

5th- No double jeopardy, no self-incrimination, due process, cannot sieze land without compensation, cannot be forced to be a witness against yourself.

6th- Fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury.

7th- right to a jury in civil cases

8th- no excessive bail, no cruel or unusual punishment.

9th- Rights not stated in the constitution.

10th- Powers not granted to the federal government belong to the state and the people.

Bellringer 9/30/13

1. The first article was about the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.
2. The second article was about the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.
3. The third article was about the government shutdown in 1995.
4. One item all of these events have in common is the fact that they took place in the same decade.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Eagle Eye Questions

1. It takes less time to find related information.
2. Aria could see or hear them no matter where they were. It threatened them with information in its database so that they obeyed it at all times.
3. No, although we most likely already do. It would be a huge invasion of privacy.
4. I use it for research and entertainment.
5. Technology is a risky business. Be careful with what you release to the internet.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9/18/13 Bellringer

1. Drug use, threats, and bullying.
2. No. People to choose to post this information on a social networking site, it's not like the school board couldn't get on and look at most of the stuff they post anyway.
3. I probably wouldn't do anything differently considering the only things I post on Facebook are memorable quotes or quotes I believe may help people.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bellringer 9/10/13

1. They are trying to revive the income of their line. The fast food industry has been either below average profits or just even.
2. Yes it could because it's an easy, cheap, filling meal that people would grab on their way from work or lunch breaks or things such as that. People, especially in America, are obsessed with fast foods, hence the current obesity problems.
3. They will if it sells. More money; simple as that.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Bellringer 9/9/13

1. No, but the US takes it upon themselves to try to "keep peace" and bully the other countries as much as possible.
2. They should be the peacekeeper and the deciding factor of what happens, not the US alone.
3. They can be seriously damaging, not only to people, but to the environment as well. They also could not be contained easily, so they would spread at alarming rates.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bellringer 9/6/13

1. This guy deserves to be put into jail. A child that young should not be put through that. MAybe trying to teach grammar would be okay, but not beating the child for not being able to do something that isn't expected of them for several more years.

2. That people are idiots.

3. It would have been.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bellringer 9/5/13

1. If they were to do that, then they could also raise the wages they pay their employees.
2. Considering it is one of the largest markets worldwide, yes. I think that the employees could easily be paid "living wages" on what the company as a whole makes.

Bellringer 9/4/13

1. Short-term degrees from tech school usual result in a higher salary anymore than what going to a 4-year college would get a person.
2. I would like to see which fields from tech school are actually getting the higher salaries.
3. It won't. I already had plans to go to a tech school and possibly a 4-year college at a later date.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellringer 9/3/13

1. Not really considering you agree to that kind of use of your information when filling out the application for the website.

2. Yes it does.

3. No it does not.